Fan of the Month - December 2023

1. When did you first become a fan of Dashboard Confessional?
2001 when my older brother got a burned copy of Swiss Army Romance & The Places You Have Come to Fear the Most through a friend.
2. How has Dashboard Confessional affected your life?
I have strong friendships to this day that started by our mutual love for Dashboard’s music.
3. If you have attended a Dashboard Confessional concert - what was it like for you?
It was such a great experience. The fact that Chris is such an easy going guy & friendly with the fans and makes each concert interactive and has us sing along with him or take the lead in designated spots. My favorite is when he introduces the band members & says that we along with you, make up Dashboard Confessional and then begins playing Hands Down.
4. Any suggestions for what we can do/set up for Saints & Sailors Fan Club?
If there was an opportunity to listen to a sound check if someone was attending a show or view the show from the side of the stage.
5. If you could give Dashboard Confessional a message - what would it be?
Thank you for being so down to earth and really showing your appreciation to your fans.
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